洞察力 9 May 2024

Meet the driving force behind Mitie’s 5,000 EVs

Audra Giles, Mitie Fleet Director

她负责一个团队提供我们的电动汽车(EV)战略,最近达到5岁,000 Mitie EVs, Fleet Director, Audra Giles, already has her sights set on achieving 6,000.

Overseeing one of the UK’s most successful EV fleet transitions 已经被证明是一项艰巨的壮举,但Audra把这一切归结为两个关键因素.

She said: “We’re now over 65% electric vehicles, 这意味着Mitie拥有英国最大的电动汽车车队之一,在车辆百分比方面也是最大的. 该组织的激进目标是到2025年底实现净零排放,这是将车队转向电动化的催化剂. 我们的首席执行官, Phil Bentley, made the commitment to decarbonise in 2021 and that early adoption, plus top-down support, has been crucial. 其次,我负责一个完全专注于支持Mitie零计划目标的团队. 他们当之无愧地获得了达到5000辆电动汽车的荣誉. 每个人都付出了巨大的努力——现在我们已经在考虑第6000辆车了.”

Test drives, training and support

Thanks to the efforts of Audra and her team, Mitie’s company car fleet statistics are also impressive; 93% of vehicles driven by colleagues who qualify for a company car are electric. The figure is inching towards 100% as more make the switch.

Audra believes getting buy-in from the business and drivers, 同时在他们买了新车后继续支持他们, is important for any EV strategy.

她说:“这是一种文化变革,需要得到正确的促进. 18个月前我自己也开了电动汽车,这是一种非常不同的驾驶方式, 有不同的考虑,可能需要一点时间来适应. That’s what makes driver support so important. Mitie offers drop-in sessions, 试驾和培训,以解决一些人可能对转向电动汽车的担忧. 我们当然不会只是交出一辆车就认为工作完成了. A lot of effort goes into education and support. 我们还在同事家中安装了2000多个充电点. 手边有一个电动汽车充电器,可以尽可能方便地在工作之余充电.”



Getting to the 5,第000th电动汽车并不总是一帆风顺,Audra承认一路走来充满挑战.


Audra说:“在过渡的早期阶段,我们使用的是一辆商用车,一次充满电可以行驶150英里左右. 有很多负面的反馈,因为这对很多车手来说不方便. 我们接受了这一点,并将大众ID Buzz添加到我们的车队中, which has a range of up to 300 miles if driven economically. Being a long-range vehicle, the Buzz has proved suitable for colleagues within cleaning, landscaping, mobile engineering and others. Everyone loves driving it. 公司关于电动汽车供应的政策或多或少是没有商量余地的. 当一个电动汽车的怀疑论者——当然也有少数人——在习惯了他们的新车之后变成了拥趸,这是非常令人欣慰的. You can’t criticise EV before giving it a go first.”

Every corner of the UK – and beyond

在英国最偏远的地方都能找到Mitie的电动汽车. They’re in use at Edinburgh Castle, 在怀特岛和阿伦岛,甚至在阳光明媚的西班牙南海岸直布罗陀.

Our expertise is helping customers too, with 26 of our contracts now fully electric, including a multi-national clothing chain, a popular drinks brand and a respected professional services company. Besides rolling out electric vehicle solutions and EV fleets, 我们还安装和维护客户的电动汽车基础设施,并支持他们的电动汽车基础设施战略.

The EVs are used for a wide range of purposes. 其中最独特的是英国第一个零排放的商业砂轮机,恰如其分的命名 Gritter Thunberg thanks to a Mitie competition. The Mitie Landscapes team has a particularly notable EV too, 屋顶上有太阳能电池板,可以为电池供电的园艺工具充电.

Journey highlights

Reaching 5,对于Mitie的车队团队来说,000辆电动汽车是一段相当长的旅程,当然,我们的电动汽车车队的转型远未结束.

Reflecting on Fleet’s achievements since 2021, Audra证实,有许多亮点使所有的努力都值得.

She said: “We’ve won nine highly respected industry awards, which is absolutely fantastic. 最近的是2024年Edie奖的“年度车队运输管理项目”. 我们还连续三年被舰队新闻奖评为“年度最佳舰队”. 很高兴知道Fleet在实现Mitie到2025年实现净零排放的承诺方面发挥了不可或缺的作用. It’s a team effort involving colleagues right across the business, 但我为我们在如此引人注目和有价值的事情中所扮演的角色感到非常自豪.”

Congratulations to Audra and her team for reaching 5,000 EVs.

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